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DE212 Global RC SYSTEM

DE212 Wireless Global DM RC

Manual for the DE212 Wireless DM system. It includes the instruction for the following part numbers:

Part no.: 03040 – DE212 Global DM RC set

This is a set which includes transmitter, reciever and antenna. 

Part no.: 02705 – TX212 Global transmitter
Part no.: 03038 – RX212 Global reciever
Part no.: 12376 – Antenna 2,4GHz 5dBi RP-SMA(m) 20cm

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DE212 Wired FailSafe RC

Manual for the DE212 wired DM system. It includes the instruction for the following part numbers: 

Part no.: 02920 – DE212 FailSafe set

This is a set which includes transmitter, reciever and cable. 

Part no.: 01741 – CB212-1s FailSafe transmitter handswitch
Part no.: 01740 – CU212 FailSafe control unit with 3min timer
Part no.: 11400 – Coiled cable, 14m long fully stretched

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DE212 Wireless DM DP

Manual for the DE212 Wireless DM system. It includes the instruction for the following part numbers: 


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DE212 Wireless DSD

Manual for the DE212 Wireless DM system. It includes the instruction for the following part numbers: 

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DE212 Wired Failsafe DP -

Manual for the DE212 Wired Failsafe DP system. It includes the instruction for the following part numbers: 

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DE212 Wireless XLR

Manual for the DE212 Wireless DM system. It includes the instruction for the following part numbers: 

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